What is PaperHouse?
PaperHouse is a Charlotte based company of professional theatre artists.
We create immersive productions adapting classic plays and literature into environmental experiences that strengthen the connection between actor and audience.
We believe in the power of play and the power of questions.
And treats.
We believe in treats.
Who is PaperHouse?
Nicia Carla (she/her)
Artistic Director
Nicia Carla has been making theatre in Charlotte for over 25 years with companies such as Children’s Theatre, Actor’s Theatre of Charlotte, Theatre Charlotte, BareBones Theatre, and as far back as the original production of Chickspeare and one of the last productions by the great Innovative Theatre.
Nicia started PaperHouse Theatre with friends and colleagues after working full time for Children’s Theatre of Charlotte for 12 years as an actor, director, and teaching artist. She wanted more creative control and flexibility with two young kids at home. Collaborating with fabulous artists here in Charlotte to tell such varied stories as La Ronde, The Aliens, We Won’t Pay, We Won’t Pay, right through last year’s Vampire Lesbians of Sodom, a little off the beaten path is right where she likes to be.
With PaperHouse she has also created original immersive productions in collaboration with PaperHousians, She Who Watches and The Sherlock Project both housed at the Frock Shop.
Nicia is a theatre graduate of Winthrop University and currently teaches theatre at Northwest School of the Arts. A proud mother of two kind and loving humans, two weird and wonderful pets, and wife to an incredible husband and partner. She is just getting started and eager to learn and tell more stories.